Learning is effective when material is RELEVANT to the students
One way of making sure the learning experience has meaning for students is to draw on them.
Adults have lived a life before studying at Wintec. They have valuable skills, knowledge and experience that might be of value to the class.
Learning is effective when students are required to PROBLEM SOLVE
This is called Experiential Learning ('doing' activities centred on working through an issue or conundrum). We already do this to some extent with our interactive tutorials.
Students learn best when they understand WHY they are learning something
Start your lesson with your learning objective and outcome
Add them to your PowerPoint
Write the objective on the board and tell them the learning outcome
For example, Learning objective: to learn how to do basic APA referencing
"By the end of this lesson, you will know how to do in-text citations and full references for books, webpages and ebooks. And you'll know where to find help on APA via the LibGuides."
What is a learning objective?
The overall purpose of the lesson. It is general and brief (the overarching goal).
The language of learning objectives:
Begin with "To" + learning verb + how/what/where/when/who + overarching goal.
E.g. To + learn/understand/identify/analyse/review/recap/etc + how to + critique resources
What is a learning outcome?
The specific measurable knowledge and skills students will acquire.
The language of learning outcomes:
"By the end of this lesson you will" + learning verb + how/what/where/when/who + specifics of the lesson
E.g. By the end of this lesson you will understand and recognise the differences between referencing a digital and physical journal article AND know how to create the in-text citation and full reference for a journal article.
Learning is effective when material is put in a REAL-WORLD CONTEXT
Provide real examples for theories. Make them current. Make them interesting.
Tell anecdotes: Storytelling is one of the most powerful 'passive' tools a teacher can use.
Learning is effective when the learner can RELATE TO THE TEACHER
Share information about yourself so that you seem less like a distanced expert and more three-dimensional and approachable.
a) After you've taught Boolean phrases, have the students conduct a race to find the least number of resources relating to your pet's species using AND, OR, and NOT in Onesearch. The exercise could be timed, or have it as a race to a particular search result number
Learning is effective when the learning experience involves ACTIVITY and COLLABORATION
Cognitively, learning can be challenged when it is passive; students receive information through listening, watching or reading only. Retention and understanding of information can be limited.
Make lessons interactive. Allow tauira to have a role in the learning process by either engaging with you, fellow students, or with activities.