Information Literacy is...
The ability to find information, critically evaluate it and then be able to appropriately apply the information to your everyday life (or your assignments!)
Make the most of your Liaison Librarian
Feel free to embed the expertise of your Liaison Librarian into your classroom.
Liaison Librarians are able to work alongside the tutor in class over several weeks to facilitate 1-hr workshop sessions where students work on a course assignment to build their skills to use search tools, find and assess resources, apply their research to their assignments, and correctly reference the sources used.
Our services can be utilised in a type of team-teaching function, so if you hold a class in which you are letting students get on with their research projects, we can be in there helping students with their searches and with evaluating the information they find. Alternatively, we can come in and do introductory sessions on a range of research based topics to help boost your students researching and referencing skills.
How else can I promote Information literacy and library skills in the classroom?