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Photography: APA Artwork

A photography career offers the opportunity to work anywhere from a local wedding to the Olympics. Many photographers work for newspapers, or are employed on a freelance basis by advertising agencies, businesses, or individuals.

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Artwork:  Type of image or material used

Type of image can include painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, photograph, woodcut, or whatever best describes the format that the artwork is in. Alternatively, depending on the preferences of your tutor/publisher, you may want to describe the materials it was made from e.g. [Oil on canvas]. Whichever you use, be consistent throughout your work.

Circa - Sometimes the exact date of an artwork is unknown. In this case the term circa is used.  You can indicate this by placing a c. before the date e.g. (c. 1563).

Works in a museum or taken from a museum website

Figure 7

The persistence of memory

(Dali, 1931).

Artist, A. (Date of creation). Title of artwork in italic sentence case italic [Type of image]. Museum it is held within, City, Country.  URL (link to the image from the museum website if available)


Reference list entry

Dali, S. (1931). The persistence of memory [Painting]. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, United States. 

In-text citations

Dali (1931) depicts ... 

... (Dali, 1931).


Title of exhibition in italic sentence case [Exhibition].  (Exhibition, dates). Museum it is held within, City, Country. URL of exhibition website if available


Reference list entry

Galileo - Scientist, astronomer, visionary [Exhibition]. (2021). Waikato Museum Te Whare Taonga o Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.


In-text citations

 Galileo - Scientist, astronomer, visionary (2021) demonstrates ...

... (Galileo - Scientist, astronomer, visionary, 2021).

Information from a museum or gallery plaque

 [Plaque with background information about a work or display - use Italic Title Case when referring to the name of an artwork].  (Date of plaque if known). Museum it is held within, City, Country. 


Reference list entry

[Plaque with background information about Ralph Hotere's Dawn Water Poem]. (n.d.). Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand.

In-text citations

[Plaque with background information about Ralph Hotere's Dawn water poem] (n.d.).


([Plaque with background information about Ralph Hotere's Dawn water poem], n.d.).

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