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Hospitality and Cookery: Interactive resources and videos

Subject Guide for Hospitality and Cookery


Safetyhub is a collection of online health and safety training videos covering topics such as hazard management, manual handling and environmental safety. Specific to the kitchen, there are videos on kitchen and food saftey, treating burns and how to use a fire blanket. Click here to access.

Elsevier Reference Collection in Food Science

The Encyclopedia of Food Safety is one that could be particularly useful.



ETV has videos from over 40 broadcast television and internet channels including Freeview, SKY and YouTube. Under the terms and conditions of ETV and the Screenrights Licensing Scheme, and for educational use only, videos can be viewed, linked, embedded and shown in class

ETV (ākonga (student) access)

ETV (kaimahi (staff) access)


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(07) 834 8866
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