Using the Catalogue
You should always start your search for books at the catalogue, even if you know the general area where the books you need are stored in the library. The catalogue can tell you exactly where on the shelves the book you need is, which campus it is in and if it is available.
Browsing the shelves can be a useful way of finding books, but the catalogue will not only also let you know about eBooks, but also the different places books on your topic will be shelved. For example, most of your books are in the 641s, but you'll find some hygiene books at 363.192, nutrition in the 612s and 613s.
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Andrews, J. Clark, R. (2011) Peer Mentoring Works! How Peer Mentoring Enhances Student Success in Higher Education. Birmingham. Aston University - Will need to be Interloaned
Anderson, E. M. and Lucasse Shannon, A. (1995) Towards a conceptualisation of mentoring. In Kerry, T. and Mayes, S. (Eds) Issues in Mentoring, London, Routledge.
Barnett, R. (1994) The Limits of competence: Knowledge, Higher Education and Society, Buckingham, SRHE, Open University Press.
Barnett, R. (2013) Imagining the University, London, Sage
Barnett, R. and Coate, K. (2005) Engaging the Curriculum in Higher Education, Buckingham: SRHE and Open University Press.
Breen, L. Drew, N. Pike, L. Pooley, J.A. Young, A. (2001) Evaluation of the School of Psychology Peer Mentoring Programme – Semester 1, 2000. In Herriman, A Kulski, M.M. (eds) Expanding Horizons in Teaching and
Learning. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Teaching and Learning Forum, 7-9 February 2001. Perth: Curtin
University of Technology. date of access 17/02/10
Guccione, K. Thesis Coaching – a solutions-focused approach to enhancing timely submission of the PhD thesis, University of Sheffield (in progress)
Lancer,N. A phenomenological analysis of how young people experience and understand personal growth in the context of UK university life, Birkbeck College, University of London (in progress)
Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2008) Standards to Learning and Assessment in Practice. London. NMC.
Ramsay, P. Does it make a difference? A small-scale coaching pilot at the University of Portsmouth, University of Portsmouth (unpublished)
Thomas, L. (2012) Building student engagement and belonging in higher Education at a time of change: final report from the What Works? Student Retention and Success Programme. York. Higher Education Academy.
US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, What Works Clearinghouse, (2012), WWC review of the report: The effects of student coaching in college: An evaluation of a randomized experiment in student mentoring. accessed on 7 January 2014
van Nieuwerburgh, C. (ed.) (2012) Coaching in Education: Getting better results for students, educators and parents, London: Karnac
Wisker, G., Exley, K., Antoniou, M. and Ridley, P. (2008) Working one-to-one with students, London: Routledge