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Midwifery: eBook Databases

Wintec Library Catalogue

The Wintec Library Catalogue lets you search for books and ebooks at the same time! It links directly to ebooks in Clinical Key, EBSCO, ProQuest and other library databases. You can search by title, author, keyword or topic, and filter by date.


To access ebooks from the library catalogue, make sure you are logged into your library account first.

EBSCO eBook Collection

EBSCO eBook Academic Collection is a database of full-text, high quality academic eBooks covering a wide range of subjects. Relevant subjects for CHASP may include health and medicine, psychology, sciences, social sciences and more.


BWB NZ History Collection

The Bridget Williams Books New Zealand History Collection offers a growing number of key New Zealand history publications.



BWB Texts Collection

The Bridget Williams Books Texts Collection gives access to short texts on big subjects from great New Zealand writers. Writers include Lana Lopesi, Claudia Orange, Damon Salesa, Siouxsie Wiles and Albert Wendt.


ClinicalKey Student is a database providing access to over 100 key nursing and midwifery texts. It has ebooks, video resources, and images.


Please note you will need to register to access this resource. Make sure you are logged into your Wintec account when you do this.

ProQuest EBook Central

ProQuest EBook Central has a selection of thousands of eBooks from the world's leading publishers covering all academic subject areas, including business, computing, education, medicine, science and social science.


BWB Women's Studies Collection

The Bridget Williams Books Women's Studies Collection is a rare and rich history of publishing on New Zealand women's experience.



BWB Critical Issues Collection

The Bridget Williams Books Critical Issues Collection houses a growing set of titles on critical issues for Aotearoa, including climate change, housing, inequality and more. 






BWB Treaty of Waitangi Collection

Bridget Williams Treaty of Waitangi Collection is the online home for Treaty scholarship. It includes seminal texts, histories and commentaries. Access award-winning books anywhere, anytime and on any device.

BWB Te Pouhere Kōrero

Te Pouhere Kōrero: Māori History, Māori People is a peer-reviewed journal published by Bridget Williams Books which seeks to disseminate and promote Māori mātauranga and perspectives on history to wider audiences.

BWB NZSL Collection

The Bridget Williams Books New Zealand Sign Language Collection is a growing list of key works on New Zealand Sign Language.



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