"Our purpose is to support Pasifika families and communities to unleash their full potential and have the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes."
"The Ministry of Health is committed to working with the health and disability sector to improve Pacific peoples’ health outcomes and reduce inequalities experienced by Pacific peoples."
"Pacific Dynamics is an online open access journal published by the Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies with the support of the UC Arts Digital Lab, University of Canterbury, New Zealand."
"Pacific Health is a peer-reviewed and open access journal, with an interdisciplinary focus on health, communities and the environments of the Asia Pacific Rim."
"The Journal of Pacific Research for the Pacific region. It is the only Medline listed medical and public health journal published specifically for Pacific Island countries."
"Features the latest research in the Pacific Health area. Our Pacific Health experts explain why it is so important for the Pacific Health community and Pacific population in New Zealand."
"In 2003, under the leadership of Dr. Nancy Gibson and her team at the Edmonton ACADRE Centre the inaugural issue of Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health was published."
"The Polynesian Society was formed in New Zealand in 1892. It features social, cultural, indigenous and historical research relating to the past and present lives and cultures of peoples of Pacific/Oceanic heritage."