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APA 7th Edition Referencing Guide1

A Wintec Library guide to referencing in APA 7th edition style

Where do I find a chapter author's name in an edited work?

Chapter authors are typically listed at the beginning of each chapter they authored. However, their names may appear on the book's contents page, or on a separate list of contributors with details of the chapters they authored. Unfortunately, not every book is laid out the same, so you may have to look carefully to find the information you need. 

How do I cite an introduction, preface, foreword, or afterword?

These sections of books are occasionally written by an author who is not one of the main contributors to the work. The author of the introduction etc. will not be included in your in-text citation, but should be mentioned by name within the paragraph of your assignment.

The author of the introduction etc. will also only be included in the reference entry when they are credited on the front cover.

Refer to the examples below to see which is appropriate for your source.

Note: If the section was written by the same person who wrote the rest of the book, simply reference the book as normal.


Author of introduction, foreword, preface, or afterword not credited on the front cover

Reference list entry

Mead, H. M. (2003). Tikanga Maori: Living by Māori values. Huia. 

In-text citations

In his foreword, E. Taihakurei Durie describes Mead's book as being "fundamentally about the future" (Mead, 2003, p. x).


Author of introduction, foreword, preface, or afterword credited on the front cover

Reference list entry

Smallwood, R. F. (with Blair, B. T.). (2012). Safeguarding critical e-documents: Implementing a program for securing confidential information assets. Wiley.

In-text citations

In his foreword, Barclay T. Blair describes the general corporate attitude towards information management as being casual and lackadaisical (Smallwood, 2012).

Do I need to write the full name of the publisher?

When writing the names of publishers in reference list entries, you can omit words like Limited/Ltd., Incorporated/Inc., LLC, but keep the words Publications, Books or Press. For example, Thames & Hudson Inc. becomes simply Thames & Hudson.

What is a DOI?

A Digital Object Identifier, or DOI, is a unique code/series of numbers used to identify an electronic resource and provide a reliable link to its location online. A DOI looks similar to a URL but unlike URLs, which can change or stop working entirely, a DOI is a permanent link to a particular resource.

DOI presentation

DOIs should only be presented as follows:

Other DOI forms ( or DOI: 123.456.789) should be edited to conform to the above presentation.

If a resource is accompanied by a DOI, you should always include the DOI when referencing.

How do I reference an edited book?

Most of the time you will need to reference a chapter in an edited book. See here for how to do that.

However, there may be the rare occasion where you need to reference a book that is edited, but does not have chapters written by other authors.


Reference list entry

Daly, J., Speedy, S., & Jackson, D. (Eds.). (2006). Contexts of nursing (2nd ed.). Elsevier.

What information do I need to reference an eBook?

The following elements may be required to create a reference list entry for an eBook.

Element Detail
Author Author(s)
Corporate or Group Author(s)
No Author
Date Year
No date (n.d.).

Title of eBook: Subtitle (italic sentence case)
Title of chapter: Subtitle (when referencing a chapter in an edited eBook) (no italics, sentence case)


Name of Publisher

Referencing an eBook with no page numbers

If you need to provide a page number from an eBook that doesn't have them (you are quoting from it, for example), give a section heading and a paragraph number instead.

If you are providing a reference list entry for a chapter in an edited eBook with no page numbers, leave out the page range and include [eBook] as the format instead.


Reference list entry

Kearns, R., & Dyck, I. (2015). Being a culturally safe researcher. In D. Wepa (Ed.), Cultural safety in Aotearoa New Zealand [eBook] (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.

In-text citations for quoting

Kearns and Dyck (2015) argue...(Ethical obligations section, para. 2).

... (Kearns & Dyck, 2015, Ethical obligations section, para. 2).

Books with global/ANZ/New Zealand etc editions

If a book is an edition that is specific to a geographical area, or has made the distinction of being an international edition, include the information in your reference. The information should be clearly stated on the book's cover.

Surname, initial of first name. (Copyright date). Title in italic sentence case: Subtitle in italic sentence case (edition information.). Publisher.

Marieb, E. N., & Hoehn, K. (2023). Human anatomy and physiology (12th global ed.). Pearson. 


An edition number is only necessary from the second edition onwards. 
The word "global" or "international" does not have a capital, but keep capitals for proper nouns like New Zealand and Australia, or acronyms like ANZ.

Reference list entry

Keithly, J. K. (2021). Nutritional and metabolic assessment (T. Burton, Adapt.). In C. Jarvis, H. Forbes, & E. Watt (Eds.), Jarvis's physical examination & health assessment (3rd Australian and New Zealand ed., pp. 565–599). Elsevier.

In-text citations

Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.

Keithly (2021) describes ... (p. 576).

... (Keithly, 2021, p. 576).


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