Step 1: Sign into the Research Archive
The sign in button is found at the top right hand corner of the page.
Step 2: Manage Deposits
Step 3: On the 'Item Type' page choose the type 'Supervise fellow researcher or student's work'.
Example of page below:
Why do I need to do this? This gives us the information we need for your PBRF portfolio and the OVI statistics
2019 Change – Please note you only need to fill out one form for all your students in each paper.
Step 4: Choose the Category and weighting 53.3 Postgraduate Investigation
Example of page below:
Why do I need to do this? This gives us the information we need for the OVI statistics
Step 5: Attach your marking sheets for each student
Attach your Research output or any addition documentation/images/sound files etc.
Please note these should be JPEGs, HTML and PDF files
2019 changes: A change from last year: Please add each ‘student marking sheet’ as additional evidence to your Research Contribution here and change the visibility to “Repository staff only”. If you are supervising a researcher add some additional evidence here.
Evidence required for auditing research contribution items
The evidence required for RC component items must be sufficient to validate that item:
Example of page below:
Why do I need to do this? This gives us the information we need your for PBRF portfolio
Step 6: Edit Item (This is the Metadata)
Below is what you put in each field:
Title: A complete title is needed - What work are you supervising etc.
Abstract or Summary: Always add an abstract or summary about your research output. Describe the kind of paper you are marking etc.
Contributors: This is where you put all the names of your students or the researchers you have stupervised.
Author/ Creator: This is where you put the name of the main author or contributor to the output. Usually the one adding it to the archives. The type of Contribution could be eihter Researcher or Author.
Coming Soon - Add your Orcid ID into the field next to the email
Nominated Research Output: – This is where you indicate if it is a Research Contribution (RC).
Coming soon - Choose either
Notes file – Put what number it is e.g. NRO 1, NROs 2, NRO 3, ORO1, ORO2 etc
Date: make sure you have a year. Very important for PBRF and OVI stats
Related URLs: Any additional URLs that will help the auditors to find your information.
Contact Email Address: This will be your email.
Supervisors: This is where you put your name as the supervisor.
If Supervising Researcher Work fill in this section: Only fill in this section if you are supervising a Researchers work. Add as many input rows as you need.
If Supervising student work, fill in this section: Only fill in this section if you are supervising students. Add as many input rows as you need.
Qualification: Write what qualification your students or Researchers are aiming for.
Divisions: This is important for the Research offices, as they use it to get the OVIs and your Research Leaders use it to get an overview of each school or centres outputs.
Contact Email Address: If you want to be contact about your research put your email address here. If not, the default will be the Research Office email.
References: If you have a reference list for your research output to have a complete PBRF portfolio you should add it here.
Additional information max 1050 words: This is where you can put your Individual Contribution for your PBRF portfolio.
Commentary max 1000 words: describe the importance or impact of this piece of research for your PBRF portfolio.
Example of page below:
Why do I need to do this? This gives us the information we need for your PBRF portfolio, the OVI statistics and ease of Retrieval
Step 7: Subjects
Choose as many subjects as relates to your Research Output. Click on the + to reveal sub categories.
Example of page below
Step 8: Deposit Item
Here you have two options