Wintec Library has reciprocal arrangements with the University of Waikato Library and the Waikato DHB Library. Please note there are different agreements with each Library.
University of Waikato Library: Wintec staff and students may borrow books from this Library, eResources cannot be accessed or borrowed. Show them your Wintec ID card and ask to have a reciprocal borrowing account set up.
Waikato DHB Library: Wintec staff may borrow from the DHB Library, show your Wintec ID card and ask to register as a Reciprocal Borrower (no charge). Wintec nursing students are welcome to come to the DHB Library to study, read print books and journals onsite. Wintec nursing students may apply for short term Reciprocal Borrower status. This allows some restricted borrowing of print resources (charges apply $60 for six months, $100 for twelve months).
Staff employed by and students studying at Te Pukenga educational institutions: Staff and students from other Te Pukenga institutions can borrow our print resources. Talk to staff about organising a library card and ask to register as a reciprocal borrower for no charge. Please note, guest-access wi-fi is available for your own devices.
Wintec Library: Waikato University staff and students and Waikato DHB staff may borrow from the Wintec Library.
Borrowing rights are restricted to:
Borrowing excludes:
Please observe each institution's individual library policies (see each library's website for details).