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Kaimahi: Wintec Research kete o te wānanga: Rangahau at Wintec

In line with Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) requirements, our students benefit from our academic staff being active researchers who keep abreast of and contribute to knowledge creation in their respective fields.

By Māori for Māori

Kaupapa Māori research is about challenging the 'ordinary' or notion of normal that has been constructed by the dominant culture, and seeks to identify and uphold Māori views, solutions and ways of knowing. It is about empowering Māori people, voice, processes and knowledge (Rautaki Ltd, n.d., para. 3).

Who to contact at Wintec?

Peter Maulder

Kaihautū Rangahau

ext 8929

Interlibrary loan

If you require material for your research or studies that is not available at Wintec Library, we can usually request it from another library.

Email the library to make an interloan request

Pūrongo / Journal Articles

Fusing Mātauranga Māori and Geothermal Science

Note. From "Fusing mātauranga Māori and geothermal science" [video], by University of Auckland: Waipapa Taumata Rau, 2020, September 17. YouTube. ( Copyright 2020 by University of Auckland: Waipapa Taumata Rau.

Tikanga Rangahau Webinar Series - Kaupapa Māori Methodology

Note. From "Tikanga rangahau webinar series: Kaupapa Māori methodology" [video], by Te Rau Ora Webinars, 2017, August 14. YouTube. ( Copyright 2017 by Te Rau Ora Webinars.

Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell discusses Kaupapa Maori research

Note. From "Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell discusses Kaupapa Maori research" [video], by The University of Auckland, 2015, September 8. YouTube. ( Copyright 2015 by The University of Auckland.

Lecture by Professor Rangi Matamua: Te Whānau Mārama – The Family of Light

Note. From "Lecture by Professor Rangi Matamua: Te whānau mārama: The family of light" [video], by The University of Waikato, 2018, September 25. YouTube. ( Copyright 2018 by The University of Waikato.

Dr Leonie Pihama, Associate Professor and leading kaupapa Māori Educator and Researcher

Note. From "Dr Leonie Pihama: Associate professor and leading kaupapa Māori educator and researcher" [video], by world women, 2017, June 12. YouTube. ( Copyright 2017 by world women.

Byron Rangiwai: Unitec

Note. From "Byron Rangiwai: Unitec" [video], by SAANZ 2021, 2021, November 24. YouTube. ( Copyright 2021 by SAANZ 2021.

Pae Tukutuku / Websites

Rauemi Ipurangi / Online Resources

Copyright Disclaimer

Under YouTube’s terms of use, it is permissible to embed videos into a third party platform because it still links to the original video and statistical data is traced back to person or group that uploaded the video.

You Tube's Terms and Conditions:

You also grant each other user of the Service a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to access your Content through the Service, and to use that Content, including to reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works, display, and perform it, only as enabled by a feature of the Service (such as video playback or embeds). For clarity, this license does not grant any rights or permissions for a user to make use of your Content independent of the Service. (YouTube, 2022)

Examples of Kaupapa Māori Rangahau

Hautaka / Journals

A pathway to Māori research in business | Massey University

Note. From "A pathway to Māori research in business" [video], by Massey University, 2019, April 15. YouTube. ( Copyright 2019 by Massey University.

Moko Kauae – Identity, Resistance and Resilience | Te Reo o Waikato Tupaea Graham

Note. From "Moko Kauae: Identity, resistance and resilience: Te Reo o Waikato Tupaea Graham" [video], by Waikato-Tainui College for Research & Development, 2022, March 14. YouTube. ( Copyright 2022 by Waikato-Tainui College for Research & Development.

Tikanga Rangahau Webinar Series - Pūrākau as Methodology

Note. From "Tikanga rangahau webinar series: Pūrākau as methodology" [video], by Te Rau Ora Webinars, 2017, September 4. YouTube. ( Copyright 2017 by Te Rau Ora Webinars.

Kaupapa Māori Theory & Methodology Series

Note. From "Kaupapa Māori theory & methodology series 13 04 2020" [video], by Ngawaiatetui, 2020, April 13. YouTube. ( Copyright 2020 by Ngawaiatetui.

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(07) 834 8866
(07) 834 8800 ext 4452