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Kaimahi: Wintec Research kete o te wānanga: The Research Archive & ORCID

In line with Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) requirements, our students benefit from our academic staff being active researchers who keep abreast of and contribute to knowledge creation in their respective fields.

What is the Research whakaputunga / Archive?

Wintec Research Archive

The Wintec Research Archive is an archive that showcases the exceptional Research, Rangahau & Ranga'au done here at Wintec by Wintec staff and Researchers. 

The record requirements are strict as they are subject to audit. External evidence to back up and confirm that the research has taken place as stated is required. Metadata must be filled out whether they are hidden or viewable. See examples below of types of acceptable research output and the evidence required for each one. Confidential reports are covered in this document. 

For those who would like further information or help with their archiving please book a session with your Liaison Librarian. 

Please contact your Liaison Librarian with any questions about the Research Archive or send a meeting request to go through to add an archive together.

For any other questions please contact

Acceptable Versions of Manuscripts

Publishers have particular rules about which formats of journal articles are allowed to be published in research repositories. There are some that will allow you to publish the published version, but many ask that you upload the accepted manuscript, after it has been peer reviewed, but before it has been formatted for publication. Some are more restrictive and might only let you upload a preprint. 

Pre prints vs post prints vs published versions

You can find out this information by searching for the journal title in SHERPA RoMEO to find what the publisher's policy is. 

These images were created by the University of Canterbury Library and licensed under Public Domain. They've also given us permission to freely reuse the images. 

Light and Dark Archive

(Image: Wintec archives by Wintec)

Many different records and types of outputs are submitted into the Archive, but not all records need to be public - some are only applicable for internal use, or just for you and your manager to see. The figure above shows a few different types of outputs that may be either public or private, depending on the nature of the output. If in doubt, please do contact me or put a note with the record when you submit it. Just put the word 'Live' or 'retired' in brackets next to the title.

In Research Archive terminology:

Live / Light Archives / Te Pūkenga / Wintec Research Archive: Any output you want to showcase and make searchable on Google and database search engines. Records can be embargoed as well if necessary.
Retired / Dark Archives / ROMs: Research Contributions for your PBRF portfolio etc - This type of output is recorded on your ROMs account.

Orcid @ Wintec

ORCID @ Wintec

Wintec recently became a founding member of the ORCID New Zealand consortium. 

ORCID® (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an open source, not for profit organisation and connects over 2.6 million researchers with funders, research organisations and publishers in 39 countries. By assigning researchers a unique digital identifier, it solves the problem of name ambiguity and provides reliable authentication. A growing international community of researchers, publishers, funders and academic societies are integrating ORCID into their workflows.

MBIE: ORCID Joint Statement of Principle

Tertiary Education Commission, Health Research Council, MBIE, Royal Society NZ and other signatories have issued a Joint Statement of Principle: Adoption and use of ORCID identifiers in New Zealand.

Benefits of ORCID to Researchers

  1. Enables the researcher to distinguish his/her research activities from others with similar names.
  2. Enables the researcher to easily and uniquely associate her/his identity to a wide range of research activities and outputs such as publications, datasets, media stories, citations, experiments, patents, online resources and notebooks.
  3. Reduces manual data entry through automatic harvesting of associated activities and outputs.
  4. Makes the research process and collaboration across borders, institutions and disciplines easier because the data associated with a researcher can ‘move’ across organisations and national boundaries.
  5. Facilitates researcher interaction with multiple organisations, publishers and funders through a common identifier.
  6. Provides an online record, improving discoverability of researchers and their associated research activities and outputs.

Te Pūkenga/Wintec Research Archive

Wintec's collected archive of research works.

Using Reference Management Tools to enhance your research output

Note. From "Using reference management tools to enhance your research output" [video], by LibraryNUIM, 2021, December 4. YouTube. ( Copyright 2021 by LibraryNUIM.

PBRF QE 2018: Completing an Evidence Portfolio

Note. From "PBRF QE 2018: Completing an evidence portfolio" [video], by Tertiary Education Commission, 2017, July 13. YouTube. ( Copyright 2017 by Tertiary Education Commission.


Note. From "Lost your ORCID credentials? We can help!" [video], by ORCID: Connecting Research and Researchers, 2021, June 24. YouTube. ( Copyright 2021 by ORCID: Connecting Research and Researchers.

A Quick Tour of the ORCID Record

Note. From "A quick tour of the ORCID record" [video], by ORCID: Connecting Research and Researchers, 2021, June 24. YouTube. ( Copyright 2021 by ORCID: Connecting Research and Researchers.

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Under YouTube’s terms of use, it is permissible to embed videos into a third party platform because it still links to the original video and statistical data is traced back to person or group that uploaded the video.

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You also grant each other user of the Service a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to access your Content through the Service, and to use that Content, including to reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works, display, and perform it, only as enabled by a feature of the Service (such as video playback or embeds). For clarity, this license does not grant any rights or permissions for a user to make use of your Content independent of the Service. (YouTube, 2022)

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(07) 834 8866
(07) 834 8800 ext 4452