Legislation and acts are unique types of references. You only need the full title, the country abbreviation (if the act or legislation is not from New Zealand), and the URL. If the act or legislation is from New Zealand, you can leave the country abbreviation out.
Full Title of Legislation or Act in Title Case (Country abbreviation if not NZ). URL or PDF URL
Social Workers Registration Act 2003. https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2003/0017/latest/096be8ed81d7363a.pdf
Reference list entry
Privacy Act 2020. https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2020/0031/latest/LMS23223.html
In-text citations
The Privacy Act (2020) describes...
... (Privacy Act, 2020).
Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996
Reference list entry
Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996. www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/1996/0078/latest/whole.html
In-text citation
As outlined in the Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996 ...
... (Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996).
Webpages and PDFs are referenced the same.
Example updated July 2024: Date format has changed
Author Surname, A. or Corporate/Group Author. (Year, Month day). Title of webpage or PDF in italic sentence case. Title of website/PDF Publisher if different than author. URL
Minister of Health. (2023, July). Women's health strategy. Ministry of Health. https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/womens-health-strategy-oct23.pdf
BPAC web articles
BPAC web articles are referenced as webpages. They are not journal articles.
Example updated July 2024: Date format has changed
Website as Author. (Year, Month day). Title of article in italic sentence case: Subtitle in italic sentence case. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL
BPAC NZ. (2024, May 31). Cough medicines: Do they make a difference? Retrieved July 8, 2024, from https://bpac.org.nz/2023/cough-medicines.aspx
Reference list entry
BPAC NZ. (2024, May 23). Hypertension in adults: The silent killer. Retrieved July 8, 2024, from https://bpac.org.nz/2023/hypertension.aspx
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
BPAC NZ (2024) states ... (para. 2).
... (BPAC NZ, 2024, para. 2).
Codes of practice, ethical codes, etc.
These are not legislation, but a professional standard or code of practice/ethics. They can be referenced in the same way as a website/PDF.
Reference list entry
New Zealand Nurses Organisation. (2019). Code of ethics.
In-text citations
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
According to the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO, 2019) ... (p. 16).
... (New Zealand Nurses Organisation [NZNO], 2019, p. 16).
Competencies for Registered Nurses (Nursing Council of New Zealand)
Example updated July 2024: Date format has changed
Reference list entry
Nursing Council of New Zealand. (2022, June). Competencies for registered nurses. https://nursingcouncil.org.nz/Public/ncnz/nursing-section/registered_nurse.aspx
In-text citations
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ, 2022) describe... (p. 6).
... (Nursing Council of New Zealand [NCNZ], 2022, p. 6).
Fonofale of Model of Health
Example updated July 2024: Date format has changed
Reference list entry
Pulotu-Endemann, K. (2001, September). Fonofale model of health. Open Polytechnic. https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/actionpoint/pages/437/attachments/original/1534408956/Fonofalemodelexplanation.pdf?1534408956
In-text citations
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
According to Pulotu-Endemann (2001) ... (p. 4).
... (Pulotu-Endemann, 2001, p. 4).
New Zealand Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
Reference list entry
New Zealand Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal. (n.d.). Nur05/12P.
In-text citations
The New Zealand Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal (n.d.) found that...
... (New Zealand Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal, n.d.).
NICE Guidelines are referenced as a PDF or webpage, but include extra bracketed information about the guideline number.
Corporate/Group Author in Full. (Year, Month day). Title of guideline in italic sentence case: Subtitle in italic sentence case (NICE Guideline No. #). URL
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2024, January 16). Early and locally advanced breast cancer: Diagnosis and management (NICE Guideline No. 101). https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng101
The Wave tool (Image from a PDF)
The below image is from a PDF. The image has a named author but no date of creation. It also has no title, so one was created for the reference list entry. See here for more information on referencing images without titles.
Reference list entry
Rankine, J. (n.d.). [The wave in colour] [Image]. Auckland Workers Educational Association.
https://www.awea.org.nz/sites/awea.org.nz/files/wave/wave A4.pdf
In-text citations
(Rankine, n.d.)
In a written assignment (text, or an image not included, only mentioned)
Reference list entry
Rankine, J. (n.d.). [The wave in colour] [Image]. Auckland Workers Educational Association.
https://www.awea.org.nz/sites/awea.org.nz/files/wave/wave A4.pdf
In-text citations
The wave tool, as illustrated by Rankine (n.d.), depicts ...
The wave tool depicts... (Rankine, n.d.).
In a written assignment (image included)
Reference list entry
Rankine, J. (n.d.). [The wave in colour] [Image]. Auckland Workers Educational Association.
https://www.awea.org.nz/sites/awea.org.nz/files/wave/wave A4.pdf
Rankine (n.d.) depicts ...
... (Rankine, n.d.).
Additional formatting of image within assignment
Figure 1
The wave tool in colour
(Rankine, n.d.)
Newsletters, pamphlets, booklets and forms are all referenced in the same way as a webpage or PDF, with some small differences:
Author Surname, A. or Corporate/Group Author. (Year, Month Day). Title of resource in italic sentence case [Description of format]. Title of website/PDF Publisher/Publisher if different than author. URL
Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand. (2023, November). Pānui newsletter. https://mailchi.mp/otboard.org.nz/november-2023
Reference list entry
Nursing Council of New Zealand. (2023, September). Pānui [newsletter].
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
The Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ, 2023) notes that... (para. 3).
... (Nursing Council of New Zealand [NCNZ], 2023, para. 3).
Te Whatu Ora resources - Client confidentiality
For forms, plans, etc., obtained from a Te Whatu Ora region that could compromise client confidentiality (i.e. the client could be identified more easily if the region or specific date is known):
For generic documents (a real client is not involved, so confidentiality is not an issue):
Example updated July 2024: Date format has changed
Reference list entry
Te Whatu Ora X. (2023, April 2). Patient admissions [Form].
In-text citations
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
As noted by Te Whatu Ora X (2023) ... (p. 6).
... (Te Whatu Ora X, 2023, p. 6).
If you have used information from resources your tutor has put on KuraCloud—including information within PowerPoint presentations—you must reference the original source.
However, if your tutor is the author of the information, reference your tutor and include the type of material in [square brackets]. Include the title of the KuraCloud page in the retrieval details.
Author Surname, A. (Year). Title of resource in italic sentence case [Description of format]. Name of Institution Title of Module and Module Code in Title Case. Website homepage URL
Smith, A. (2017). Week 6: A model of nursing care [KuraCloud presentation]. Wintec Introduction to Nursing HLBN511. https://www.kuracloud.com
Reference list entry
Samson, R. (2023). Week 6: A model of nursing care [KuraCloud presentation].
Wintec Hauora ā-hapori/Nursing in communities NURS512. https://www.kuracloud.com
In-text citations
Samson (2023) argues that...
... (Samson, 2023).
Web tools
Web tools enable you to filter and view large quantities of data and statistics in interactive graphs and other formats.
Corporate/Group Author or Author, A. (Year, Month day). Title of resource in italic sentence case: Subtitle in italic sentence case [Web tool]. Publisher in Title Case. Retrieved Month day, Year, from URL
Health New Zealand. (2024, June 6). Report on maternity web tool [Web tool]. Retrieved September 4, 2024, from https://tewhatuora.shinyapps.io/report-on-maternity-web-tool/
Reference list entry
Hamilton City Council. (n.d.). Hamilton city census 2018 [Web tool]. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from
Page/paragraph numbers are unlikely to be available in web tools.
Hamilton City Council (n.d.) lists the following statistics ...
... (Hamilton City Council, n.d.).