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APA 7th Edition Referencing Guide1

A Wintec Library guide to referencing in APA 7th edition style

Quick links for general image questions

Referencing an image with no title

An image without a title may be an indication it is copyrighted, in which case, it is not good academic integrity to use it.

However, some copyright safe images do not come with a title. For images or photographs without a title, provide a description of it in the title position and place square brackets around it.

Surname, Initial. (Date). [Title of image in italic sentence case] [Format]. Name of Publisher in Title Case.  URL

Bogulov, V. (2021). [Mona Lisa made with Lego tiles] [Photograph]. Unsplash.


Example for written assignment 

Figure 1

[Mona Lisa Made With Lego Tiles]

(Bogulov, 2021)

The reference list entry is as above in the coloured example.

For a visual presentation like PowerPoint, there is no Figure number or title. You only need to include the in-text citation. The reference list entry is as above in the coloured example.

The difference between an image and a photograph

When referencing images, the format, which is put in square brackets immediately after the title in the reference list entry, is either an image or a photograph - either [Image] or [Photograph].

There's an easy way to tell the difference. A photograph is anything taken with a camera. An image is anything else: drawn, sketched, painted, or created with computer software (which is the most common image type).

See the example below for the kind of image found in academic sources that is created with computer software and would therefore have [Image] in the reference list entry.

(www_slon_pics, n.d.)

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