If your point-of-care information is from a database you had to login through Wintec to access, see the Point-of-Care reference database page.
BMJ Best Practice
BMJ Best Practice entries are referenced as webpages.
Author Surname(s), A. (Year, Month day). Title of webpage in italic sentence case: Subtitle in italic sentence case. Name of Website in Title Case. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL
Lewington, A., & Lee, U. J. (2024, January 24). Urinary tract infections in women. BMJ Best Practice. Retrieved October 23, 2024, from https://bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-gb/3000120
Reference list entry
Anderson, M., & Botek, G. (2024, October 4). Plantar fasciitis. BMJ Best Practice. Retrieved October 23, 2024, from https://bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-gb/487
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
Anderson and Botek (2024) state ... (para. 4).
... (Anderson & Botek, 2024, para. 4).
BPAC web articles
BPAC web articles are referenced as webpages. They are not journal articles.
Example updated July 2024: Date format has changed
Website as Author. (Year, Month day). Title of article in italic sentence case: Subtitle in italic sentence case. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL
BPAC NZ. (2024, May 31). Cough medicines: Do they make a difference? Retrieved July 8, 2024, from https://bpac.org.nz/2023/cough-medicines.aspx
Reference list entry
BPAC NZ. (2024, May 23). Hypertension in adults: The silent killer. Retrieved July 8, 2024, from https://bpac.org.nz/2023/hypertension.aspx
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
BPAC NZ (2024) states ... (para. 2).
... (BPAC NZ, 2024, para. 2).
MedSafe Drug Sheets
Pharmaceutical Company as Author. (Year, Month day). Title of product name in italic sentence case [Format descriptor in sentence case]. Name of Website in Title Case. URL
Example updated July 2024: Date format has changed
Reckitt Benckiser. (2023, December 18). Nurofen 400 double strength coated tablets [Data sheet]. Medsafe. https://www.medsafe.govt.nz/profs/Datasheet/n/nurofendoublestrengthtab.pdf
Reference list entry
Viatris. (2021, November 18). Lora-tabs allergy and hayfever [Data sheet]. Medsafe.
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
Viatris (2021) lists the following contraindications ... (p. 3).
... (Viatris, 2021, p. 3).
MSD/Merck Manuals
MSD Manuals (Merck Manuals in the U.S. and Canada) are available in professional and consumer versions. Entries in them are references like chapters in an edited online book, but without editors given.
Author Surname(s), A. (Year). Title of entry in sentence case: Subtitle in sentence case. In Title of book in italic sentence case. Name of Publisher. URL
Hennessy, B. J. (2022). Halitosis. In MSD manual professional version. Merck & Co. https://www.msdmanuals.com/en-nz/professional/dental-disorders/symptoms-of-dental-and-oral-disorders/halitosis
Reference list entry
Whitney, K. A. (2022). Tarsal tunnel syndrome. In MSD manual consumer version. Merck & Co. https://www.msdmanuals.com/en-nz/home/bone,-joint,-and-muscle-disorders/foot-problems/tarsal-tunnel-syndrome
In-text citations
Section and paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
Whitney (2022) describes...(Diagnosis section, para. 2).
... (Whitney, 2022, Diagnosis section, para. 2).
A retrieval date is not needed for MSD/Merck Manuals as it is referenced an a chapter in an edited book online.
NZ Formulary
Name of Website in Title Case (Version number). (Year). Title of section name in italic sentence case [Section number]. URL
New Zealand Formulary (Version 137). (2023). Thyroid and antithyroid drugs [6.2]. https://nzf.org.nz/nzf_3779
Reference list entry
New Zealand Formulary (Version 137). (2023). Infliximab [1.5.3].
In-text citations
Section and paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
The New Zealand Formulary (2023) lists the following contraindications ... (Cautions section).
... (New Zealand Formulary, 2023, Cautions section).
A retrieval date is not required for New Zealand Formulary as the version number is sufficient to identify when you accessed the information.
Entries from StatPearls are referenced in the same way as chapters in an edited, online book. However, they have a lot of editors. You can copy and paste the below example, altering the authors, date, chapter title and URL as necessary.
Author Surname(s) of Chapter, A. (Year). Title of chapter in sentence case: Subtitle in sentence case. In E. Editor Surname(s) of book (Ed. or Eds.), Title of book in italic sentence case. Name of Publisher. URL
Ngo, V. T. H., & Bajaj, T. (2023). Ibuprofen. In W. B. Ackley, T. S. Adolphe, T. C. Aeby, N. R. Aeddula, S. Agadi, P. Agasthi, S. Ahmad, A. Ahmed, F. W. Ahmed, I. Ahmed, R. A. Ahmed, S. W. Ahmed, A. M. Akanmode, R. Akella, S. M. Akram, Y. Al Khalili, E. Al Zaabi, M. H. Alahmadi, G. Alexander, … H. Zulfiqar (Eds.), StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK542299/
Reference list entry
Gerriets, V., Anderson, J., Patel, P., & Nappe, T. M. (2024). Acetaminophen. In W. B. Ackley, T. S. Adolphe, T. C. Aeby, N. R. Aeddula, S. Agadi, P. Agasthi, S. Ahmad, A. Ahmed, F. W. Ahmed, I. Ahmed, R. A. Ahmed, S. W. Ahmed, A. M. Akanmode, R. Akella, S. M. Akram, Y. Al Khalili, E. Al Zaabi, M. H. Alahmadi, G. Alexander, … H. Zulfiqar (Eds.), StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482369/
In-text citations
Section and paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
Gerriets et al. (2024) describe...(Monitoring section, para. 2).
... (Gerriets et al., 2024, Monitoring section, para. 2).
A retrieval date is not needed for StatPearls as it is referenced an a chapter in an edited book online.
UpToDate (Free version)
UpToDate is available in both a free version and as a paid online database. As Wintec does not subscribe to the paid version of UpToDate, you will be referencing information from the free version as below.
Surname, A. (Year). Title of entry in sentence case: Subtitle in sentence case. Title of Website in Italic Sentence Case. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL
Black, D. W. (2023). Antisocial personality disorder: Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, course and disgnosis. UpToDate. Retrieved November 11, 2023, from https://www.uptodate.com/contents/antisocial-personality-disorder-epidemiology-clinical-manifestations-course-and-diagnosis
Reference list entry
Somers, M. J., & Traum, A. Z. (2023). Hypernatremia in children. UpToDate. Retrieved November 20, 2023, from https://www.uptodate.com/contents/hypernatremia-in-children
In-text citations
Section and paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
Somers and Traum (2023) describe... (Epidemiology section).
... (Somers & Traum, 2023, Epidemiology section).