Referencing CCH Intelliconnect database
CCH Intelliconnect is a database that includes up-to-date information on subject areas of law and accounting. These include online texts, journal articles, case studies, acts, commentaries and legal encyclopedias.
CCH legal commentaries
When referencing a CCH legal commentary from the CCH Intelliconnect database, provide:
Example for legal commentary
Author. (Date). Title of commentary in sentence case [Description of resource]. Title of database in italic Title case.
CCH. (n.d.). [61-105] The responsible lending code and principles [Law guide commentary]. CCH Intelliconnect.
Reference list entry
CCH. (n.d.). [61-105] The responsible lending code and principles [Law guide commentary]. CCH Intelliconnect.
In-text citations
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
CCH (n.d.) describe ... (p. 389).
... (CCH, n.d., p. 389).