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APA 7th Edition Referencing Guide1

A Wintec Library guide to referencing in APA 7th edition style
The guidelines for referencing tables in this section are special adaptations of the full requirements of the Publication Manual (7th ed.) for use by undergraduate students. Postgraduate students and anyone intending to publish their work should reference tables to publication standard with proper copyright attribution. See the APA for postgrads page or contact your Liaison Librarian for more details.

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Referencing a table (reproduced in assignment)

A table can be referenced in much the same way as an image or figure whose creator is uncredited—i.e., by referencing the source in which the table appears. For example:

Author, A. (Date). Title of journal article: Subtitle in sentence case. Title of Journal in Italic Title Case, volume number(issue number), page range.

West, R. (2006). Catastrophic pathways to smoking cessation: Findings from national survey. British Medical Journal, 332(7539), 458–460.


Table 1

Success Rates of Planned and Unplanned Quit Attempts

(West, 2006, p. 459)

Reference list entry

West, R. (2006). Catastrophic pathways to smoking cessation: Findings from national survey. British Medical Journal, 332(7539), 458–460.

In-text citations

Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.


Table 1 contrasts the success rates...

... of planned  and unplanned quit attempts (Table 1).


Because the table caption contains the information an in-text citation would normally, you can simply refer to the relevant figure in the body of your assignment (as above).

Table with multiple citations

If you need to cite several cells or pieces of information within the table, you can use a footnote system:

The footnotes serve as your in-text citation. However, you will need to give a full reference for each citation. See Table reproduced in an assignment above for examples.
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