When referencing The Treaty of Waitangi, it is acceptable to use either the Māori or English title. Note that the title is not italicised, and that the year is part of the title and therefore not enclosed in brackets.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi, February 6, 1840, https://www.waitangitribunal.govt.nz/en/about/the-treaty/maori-and-english-versions
Reference list entry
Te Tiriti o Waitangi, February 6, 1840, https://www.waitangitribunal.govt.nz/en/about/the-treaty/maori-and-english-versions
In-text citations
Article 1 of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (1840) outlines...
... (Te Tiriti o Waitangi, 1840, art. 1).
Referencing a Waitangi Tribunal report
The example below shows how to reference a Waitangi Tribunal report and indicates the different elements needed.
Waitangi Tribunal. (Date). Title in italic sentence case: Subtitle in italic sentence case (Report No. Wai #). URL
Waitangi Tribunal. (2015). The Ngāpuhi mandate inquiry report (Report No. Wai 2490). https://forms.justice.govt.nz/search/Documents/WT/wt_DOC_95773963/Ngapuhi%20Mandate%20Inquiry%20W.pdf
Reference list entry
Waitangi Tribunal. (1991). The Ngai Tahu claim: Supplementary report on Ngai Tahu legal personality (Report No. 27). https://forms.justice.govt.nz/search/Documents/WT/wt_DOC_68475221/Report%20on%20Ngai%20Tahu%20Legal%20Personality.pdf
In-text citations
The Waitangi Tribunal (1991) outlines... (p. 4)
... (Waitangi Tribunal, 1991, p. 4).
When referencing The Declaration of Independence, it is acceptable to use either the Māori or English title. Note that the title is not italicised, and that the year is part of the title and therefore not enclosed in brackets.
He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni, October 28, 1835, https://www.archives.govt.nz/discover-our-stories/the-declaration-of-independence-of-new-zealand
Reference list entry
He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni, October 28, 1835, https://www.archives.govt.nz/discover-our-stories/the-declaration-of-independence-of-new-zealand
In-text citations
He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni (1835) outlines... (para. 5).
... (He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni, 1840, para. 1).