Article from an academic database (without a DOI)
Journal articles from online academic databases (such as those available via the Wintec Library webpage and OneSearch) without a DOI are referenced essentially as print versions.
Author, A. (Date). Title of article in sentence case: Subtitle in sentence case. Title of Publication in Italic Title Case, volume number(issue number), page range of article.
Roiland, J. (2018). Derivative sport: The journalistic legacy of David Foster Wallace. Literary Journalism Studies, 10(1), 174–197.
Reference list entry
Roiland, J. (2018). Derivative sport: The journalistic legacy of David Foster Wallace. Literary Journalism Studies, 10(1), 174–197.
In-text citations
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
According to Roiland (2018) ... (p. 182).
... (Roiland, 2018, p. 182).
Note: a print magazine may not have a volume number.
Millard, S. K., Nicholas, A., & Cook, F. M. (2008). Is parent-child interaction effective in reducing suffering? Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 51(3), 636–650.
Reference list entry
Millard, S. K., Nicholas, A., & Cook, F. M. (2008). Is parent-child interaction effective in reducing suffering? Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 51(3), 636–650.
In-text citations
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
Millard et al. (2008) describe ... (p. 640).
... (Millard et al., 2008, p. 640).
Article from the Internet (without a DOI)
The example below shows how to reference a journal article from the internet and indicates the elements needed.
Author, A. (Date). Title of article: Subtitle in sentence case. Title of Publication: Subtitle in Italic Title Case, volume number(issue number), page rage of article. URL
Pantaleo, S. (2005). ‘Reading’ young children’s visual texts. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 7(1), 34-46.
Reference list entry
Pantaleo, S. (2005). ‘Reading’ young children’s visual texts. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 7(1).
In-text citations
Page/paragraph numbers are optional for paraphrased information.
As Panataleo (2005) notes... ("Classroom context", para. 3)
Parenthetical: ... (Pantaleo, 2005, "Classroom context", para. 3).