How do I reference multiple pages from one website?
As each webpage has a unique URL, create a separate reference list entry for each individual page. If the pages have the same year, distinguish by adding lowercase letters after the year or n.d. —e.g., (2024a) or (n.d.-a).
Multiple webpages with no dates
Multiple webpages with dates
Reference list entries
Te Whatu Ora. (n.d.). Ngā mate me ngā maimoatanga: Conditions and treatments.
Te Whatu Ora. (2024a, July 9). Headache.
Te Whatu Ora. (2024b, July 16). Colonoscopy.
In-text citations
...(Te Whatu Ora, 2024a, para. 3).
According to Te Whatu Ora (2024a), ...(para. 3).
Reference list entries
Fieldays. (n.d.-a). Business centre.
Fieldays. (n.d.-b). Media centre: Exhibition areas.
Fieldays. (n.d.-c). Visitor centre: Event information.
In-text citations
Parenthetical Parenthetical
Fieldays (n.d.-a)... (Fieldays, n.d.-a).
Fieldays (n.d.-b)... (Fieldays, n.d.-b).
Fieldays (n.d.-c)... (Fieldays, n.d.-c).
How can I reference a specific section of a webpage?
When citing a web page you should, where practicable, use section headings and/or paragraph numbers to direct the reader to the specific section of the page from which you took information.
Number the paragraphs from under that particular heading, don't count from the top of the webpage.
The heading is added to the in-text citation after the year and with the word section after it. See the example below.
If each page you use has a separate URL, you need to reference them separately. In text, list the author (often corporate), date and the section heading and/or paragraph.
Reference list entry
Department of Conservation. (n.d.). Podocarp-hardwood forests.
In-text citations
Climate is a significant factor in influencing the type of forest that gets established (Department of Conservation, n.d., Podocarp facts section, para. 2).
How do I reference a whole website?
When referring to the entirety of a website generally, simply include the URL in your discussion. No reference list entry is necessary. For example:
The New Zealand History website ( features a number of useful interactive resources for teachers.
What is a DOI?
A Digital Object Identifier, or DOI, is a unique code/series of numbers used to identify an electronic resource and provide a reliable link to its location online. A DOI looks similar to a URL but unlike URLs, which can change or stop working entirely, a DOI is a permanent link to a particular resource.
DOI presentation
DOIs on Onesearch may look like this:
However, DOIs should only be presented as follows:
Do this for all DOIs, including ones that look like or DOI: 123.456.789.