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Research Skills

Information to help students find, evaluate, reference, and write for their assignments


There are many different kinds of reports whose exact content will depend on the subject you’re studying. In general, however, a report is a piece of formal writing that outlines a problem and potential solutions or presents the findings of research/experiments.

A report is typically arranged with specific sections and headings—again, these will depend on the subject you’re studying/the type of report. See below for more information about writing different kinds of reports.

How to write a report

The following resources define what a report is, its different parts, and give examples of what particular report types look like:

Massey University

Massey University has an introduction to general report writing, including an instructional video and help on how to analyse issues for a report.

It also has a section on writing business reports and lab reports.

Newcastle University

Newcastle University provide a PDF detailing all the parts of a report and colour-coded examples.

 Make an appointment with an academic writing expert at Manaaki PÅ«kenga to help you write your report. 

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